Recruitment Underway - Director of Golf

February 18, 2025 - Sturgeon Point Golf Club is looking for an enthusiastic, customer-focused person to join the team as the Director of Golf. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing the day-to-day golf clubhouse operations including food and beverage, merchandising of golf retail, the online booking system and the driving range.

The Director will also be responsible for overseeing golf instruction, managing tournaments/special events and providing exceptional experiences for members and guests.

Please see the job posting on the PGA of Canada site.

Deadline for applications: March 3, 2025.

Tidy Trimming

You have probably noticed some positive improvements to the 150yd marker cedar bushes on the course.

Thanks to the skillful work of Wayne from the greens crew and member Gene Balfour the bushes on the par 4 and 5 holes have undergone a transformation.

This tidy trimming is not only nice to look at, it helps with the pace of play as balls are passing through the base and not getting stuck underneath. Wayne and Gene started with the largest bush on the 9th hole and once they perfected their skills, completed the work on the rest. Hats off to our bushmen for a job well done!

Did you know? If your ball does end up under one of the 150yd bushes or your stance or swing is impacted by the bush, you are entitled to free relief under Rule 16.1 of the Rules of Golf. This means you can, without having to take a penalty stroke, move the ball so you can hit it. When dropping your ball, it cannot be closer to the hole and the area to drop needs to be within one club length of the spot you determine where you can stand and swing. This video provides a good explanation of this rule - picture the sprinkler control box as the 150yd bush.

Fall Food Drive Drop Off Location

The golf course is partnering with the Sturgeon Point Union Church to help support the annual Thanksgiving Salvation Army Food Drive.

Weekend drop off locations will be at the Church Sunday October 13th from 10:30am - 12pm (located at the top of 6th street) OR anytime at the Sturgeon Point Golf Course on Sunday the 13th and Monday the 14th. Look for the signs and drop box at the course.

Attached is a list of the most requested/needed food items.

Many thanks to Larry Thomas for coordinating this very worthwhile cause.

Some key facts that underscore the need for donations to the Food Bank:

The number of people using the Food Bank monthly has grown from 70 to over 300 in the past two years.

The Salvation Army provides a hot meals every Wednesday evening for 20+ people 

People experiencing homelessness is on the rise here in Fenelon Falls, with people living in cars & trucks and sleeping rough in barns, back of businesses and in wooded areas.

All donations will be much appreciated! Financial donations to the Salvation Army are also appreciated and tax receipts will be provided.

Celebrating SPGC's 125th Anniversary

There have been several events this summer to celebrate Sturgeon Point Golf Club’s 125th anniversary.

On Friday, October 4th at 9:30am a member from Golf Ontario will be at the club to present a commemorative plaque to celebrate our anniversary. Everyone is welcome! Men’s League is a shotgun start that day.

Sunday Drive With Bill Baker

Sunday Drive with host Maddy Mahoney features local stories from Kawartha Lakes. Maddy talks with SPGC President Bill Baker about the history of the course and the 125th Anniversary.

Check out the video.

Greg & Darlene

in style!

Check out the photos online.

Hickory Sticks Event

On June 8, 2024, a number of Golf Historical Society of Canada Ambassadors had the pleasure of joining several members who came out decked out in hickory era clothing to play a round of golf using golf clubs and balls from the 1900s. The golfing event was followed by the member wine & cheese.
Pictures are available online.

Sturgeon Point (2024) – Golf Historical Society of Canada (

A Look Back in Time

Thanks to Carol Gray for sharing pictures of Edith & J. D. Flavelle, J. W. MacMillan, and Amy Flavelle in front of the clubhouse and on the course. Circa. early 1900s.

2024 Annual General Meeting Results

Thanks to all the members who came to the Annual General Meeting on August 31, 2024 at 10am. Over 50+ attended in person and several provided their votes by online and in-person proxy. Thanks to our election scrutineers Ruth Long and Gregg Mercer for their assistance.

The members passed the following three resolutions:

  1. To re-appoint Peter Shennett Professional Corporation.

  2. The amendments to the Letters Patent of the Corporation and adopting new articles of the Corporation.

  3. A new general By-law of the Corporation.

Elections also took place for the three board members who are from outside the Village of Sturgeon Point.

Effective immediately the Board Members for the golf course are:

  • Bill Baker

  • Jeff Dionne

  • Ken House

  • Jacqui Mutch

  • Sean Schumacher

  • Cynthia Sneath

  • Greg Young

Many thanks to our out-going Board Members, Don Gilchrist, Ken Nyhuus and Anne Soh for their contributions on the board and to the club.

There were some good discussions and recommendations during the meeting. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for the club please don't hesitate to reach out.

The Board would like to thank the Sturgeon Point Union Church for allowing us to host the meeting at this beautiful and historic location.

August Greens Committee Update

The course continues to look and play great!

Here are a few updates from the Greens Committee as the collaboration with our Superintendent Jim continues.

  1. Twenty stumps were identified throughout the course and ground down. This helps with cart traffic safety and improves course conditions. Topsoil will be added to help with decomposition.  

  2. Overhanging branches have been limbed on the tee decks of holes #6, #8 and #9.

  3. The last limb of the big oak tree on hole #2 came down in July. Thanks to the quick work of the grounds crew, it was cleaned up in no time. Quotes are being obtained for removal of that tree as well as a few other dead ones.

  4. The sumac behind the green on hole #1 has been cleared away providing excellent views of Sturgeon Lake. Clearing along the lake will continue as time permits.

  5. Thistles have been removed from various fescue and areas in the deep rough.

We may have lost a tree, but we have a new one! Thanks to the generous donation of Cynthia Sneath and Gene Balfour, a male Gingko tree has been planted behind hole #4 in the fescue. This unique tree is called a living fossil making it a very appropriate planting to celebrate the club’s 125th anniversary.

The Greens Committee welcomes your comments and suggestions!

Committee Chair: Jacqui Mutch

Members: Christie Broad, Will Gray, Cacky Phipps, Tim Weaver and Deborah Woods

SPGC Board Member liaisons: Ken House and Greg Young

Course Maintenance - Tree News

Hole #2: The oak tree that once stood prominently on the second hole has lost its last limb. The final branch came crashing down the morning of July 25 - observed by greens crew who were fortunately working on the green! Thanks to their quick work the large branch and debris have been removed. Arrangements are being made for an arborist to remove the remaining trunk.

Hole #1: Sumac is being cleared to the right of the green on hole one beyond the boundary fence. Players will be able to enjoy the views of Sturgeon lake while making their putts! Your patience is appreciated as the greens crew carry out these course improvements.

Get ready for the Jim Howard Classic!

Tickets are now on sale for the biggest event of the year at Sturgeon Point Golf Club. 

The Jim Howard Classic & Gala Dinner-Dance happens on Saturday, July 6.  

An eighteen-hole scramble tournament is followed by dinner, dancing to live music and, a spectacular charity auction. 

Space is limited so be sure to contact the clubhouse soon to get your tickets.

Dinner and Golf - $150.

Dinner only - $125.

All money raised goes to help improve our club and course!

Registration for the shotgun start is 2 p.m. Tee-off is at 2:30 p.m.

Dinner is at 6 p.m.

See you all on July 6!

An Update from our Superintendent and Greens Committee

Golf may be an individual sport, but keeping a golf course beautiful and in great playing condition is a team sport.

Since March, our Greens Superintendent, Jim Myerscough, his team and the group of enthusiastic volunteers on our Greens Committee, have been hard at work, getting our course not just up to par, but playing better than ever.

If you’ve been out for your first round this season, the improvements will be hard to miss. (If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?)

Learn more. Read on to hear some of the latest developments, completed or still ongoing, from our hard working crew.


A Message from our Superintendent

It has been a great Spring and the crew has been busy. We want to thank everyone who came out to clean up day to lend a hand raking leaves and collecting sticks. That was a great help jumpstarting things for opening day.  

Some improvements around the tees and greens include new garbage pails at each hole, new pin flags and patio stones under all of the benches. 

I have been working with the new Greens Committee and last month was happy to meet them on the course to provide a full hole-by-hole review. We have already discussed and implemented several suggestions including keeping the berms cut to rough height and changing the hole placements more frequently. They are a very approachable group so feel free to reach out if you have any comments or suggestions. 


Thank you to our Greens volunteers. Also thanks to filipe teixera for his work tidying our tee box bench spaces.


A reminder to all golfers that YOU are an important part of the day-to-day upkeep of the course – replacing your divots, raking bunkers after you’ve been in the sand and repairing ball marks are all things that you can do to help care for the course. 

Jim Myerscough 
Greens Superintendent 

Introducing SPGC’s new Greens Committee! 

At the 2023 Annual General Meeting, a call out was made for anyone interested in volunteering to be part of the SPGC Green Committee (SPGC-GC). 

The mandate of the committee is to act as an advisory group to the main SPGC Board. The committee’s main goal is to help retain and improve the quality the playing conditions for the use and enjoyment by the membership, their guests and visitors. 

Since the first meeting March 10, 2024 the committee has been busy coordinating the Volunteer Spring Clean Up, doing a full course walk about with our Superintendent Jim discussing changes and opportunities as well as sharing some initial recommendations on projects/initiatives to the Board. We are excited to work with Jim and his crew supporting the great work they do. 

Feel free to approach any of the committee members if you have a question or comment. You can also email: 

Chair: Jacqui Mutch 

Members: Christie Broad, Will Gray, Cacky Phipps, Tim Weaver and Deborah Woods 

SPGC Board Member liaisons: Ken House and Greg Young 

Stay tuned for further updates and information from this committee. 

See you on the course! 

The Greens Committee 

Spring Clean Up Day Success! 

We had over 30 people come out on sunny Saturday, March 30th armed with rakes and enthusiasm. Our Superintendent Jim had a list of what was needed for each hole and as people arrived, they were assigned to spots throughout the course. Jim and his crew were on hand with the tractor to collect the piles of brush and leaves. The flowerbeds at the tee decks and gardens facing the lake also got some TLC. Everyone contributed in different ways including Doc Dixon who used his golf cart to help deliver water to the volunteers out on the course. 

Afterwards, everyone enjoyed some coffee and homemade treats on the deck. We had some young volunteers also participate, likely motivated by the donuts! 

Thanks again to our volunteers and here are a few pictures showing the hard work and fun we had. 

The Greens Committee 

The Crew: Just a few of the fabulous volunteers who put in a solid day’s work way back in march to get your course into shape for the season.

Thanks to everyone for the enthusiasm and hard work. You’ve helped the season get off to a tremendous start.

Happy May-Long Weekend!

As the 2024 season has its “official” opening, here’s what’s new at SPGC

Sturgeon Point Golf Club has had one of its most successful - and busy! - May long-weekends on record. 

But even before the Club opened for golf on April 19 a lot of people were working hard to complete renovations and essential improvements. Here’s a rundown of some of the biggest developments, as well as a look-ahead at upcoming events. At just a glance it’s easy to see that 2024 is shaping up to be a very busy 125th summer at SPGC.

Better Parking and Pleasant Sitting  

One big change is obvious before you even tee off - our driving range parking lot has had a facelift! Goodbye pot holes, hello several tons of new crushed stone. Your vehicle’s suspension will thank us. 

And as you make your way around the course we hope you’ll notice a major upgrade to the bench accommodations at each tee-box. Special thanks to club member Filipe Teixera for donating countless hours of his time to the task of this much-needed improvement. Thank you Filipe!

Something else you may have noticed as you visit the Club is an explosion of memberships. To date our memberships have pushed past the three hundred member-mark. This represents a ten percent increase over last year’s membership total. 

So, if you’re a returning member, thanks for coming back, if you’re new - Welcome! 

There’s a lot to enjoy at the Club this year, all of it ready as of the May-long.

The Pro-Shop is open

Some of us can break 100, some can’t. But what’s it matter if we don’t look great doing it? 

A new lineup of hats, hoodies, shirts and accessories are available in the pro-shop, which gets its official opening this weekend. A wide range of styles in all sizes are on sale, including a line of SPGC 125th Anniversary gear. Check out the merchandise and find the style your game needs!

If you’re a member, don’t forget your 10% discount on all Pro-Shop merch.

Kitchen is ready for business

The May weekend also marked the opening of our new, expanded kitchen space with its full range of hot and cold snacks. Your favourite burger and fries are back and - of course! - you’ll want to try some of the many treats coming out of our smoker, which swings back into action for another delicious season.

Try our new Patio

The springtime renovations are now complete on Sturgeon Point Golf Club’s new brick patio. Overlooking the prettiest lake in the Kawarthas, the patio is the perfect place to recharge and relive your record breaking round. Hitting the bricks has never been more fun!

A special note of thanks to the estate of Rob Warren 

Part of the challenge of running a not-for-profit golf club is the constant effort required to make every dollar count. That challenge was recently given some much welcomed relief in the form of a generous bequest in the name of Rob Warren. Rob was a childhood member of Sturgeon Point Golf Club and a lifelong golfer who continued his relationship with the club and its members long after he could no longer play. Rob’s generous gift will go a long way to help our club continue to offer a great experience on the course and around the clubhouse. The Board and Members together thank Rob and his family for their generosity. 

A big summer is coming

With SPGC celebrating 125 years of great golf in our community, the Club is planning a number of events catering to players of all ages. Here are just a few you need to put in your calendar today! 

Saturday June 8 - The Hickory Shaft Golf Tournament/Wine & Cheese Day

When you’re as old as we are, it’s important to remember your roots. With the help of the Golf Historical Society of Canada, the club is hosting an old-timey treat as a prelude to this year’s Wine & Cheese evening. 

Teeing off at 11:30, participants will play a front nine using hickory shaft golf clubs and original “gutty” golf balls. (The back nine will be played with the same clubs and modern balls.) After 18 holes of time travel, the Wine and Cheese kicks off at five. 

Whether you’re golfing or just “wining,” all are encouraged to wear their plus fours and straw boaters!

Information on how to register is coming soon.

Saturday, July  6 - The Jim Howard Classic & Gala

A great day of golf followed by dinner, dancing, and a not-to-be missed auction, all in the name of a good cause - raising money for your favourite golf course. 

Tickets go on sale in June and always go fast. Stay tuned for details. 

Sunday, August 11 - Rick Davis Day

This day is all about the kids, helping them learn the game and having fun while playing it. Make sure your youngsters are ready for a good time on this special Sunday and a lifetime of golf ahead of them.

August 21 - 25 - Championship Week

Every putt counts this week. No gimmes! No mulligans! No foolin’ around! 

Championship Week is of the most hotly contested annual events in the history of the great game. (At least in our 125-year history.)

The week of competition starts on Wednesday and continues until the Sunday finale. Pick your competition and sign up for any of the a nine-hole senior championships for ladies and gents, or the ladies and men’s eighteen-hole tournaments. 

2024 President's Letter

Hello fellow SPGC members and subscribers!

I hope you all got safely through the winter that wasn’t. Maybe we’ll get an early start on the golf course!

Thanks to all the volunteers who came out on the Easter Weekend to help with clean up around the course. Our Pro and grounds team are working hard to get ready for the season. Depending on weather, the current plan for opening day is April 19. Keep an eye on the SPGC website for details and updates.

This year is the 125th Anniversary of the Club and we have some special events planned to help celebrate this milestone. Mark your calendars for our Wooden Sticks Tournament and Wine & Cheese on Saturday, June 8. The tournament is being facilitated by the Golf Historical Society of Canada.

You’ll also see more great changes at the Club this year, such as …

  • A new retaining wall, steps to the dock, and an expanded lakeside patio. This work is thanks to the generous support of Sturgeon Point member, Bob Morawczynski.

  • Renovations to the kitchen to make life easier for our staff.

  • A new barbecue, and

  • Grading and graveling of certain areas of the club.

SPGC is also hosting a booth at the Kawartha Country Living Show in the Fenelon Community Centre, April 19-21. Drop by and say hello.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support of Sturgeon Point Golf Club. As always, please encourage your friends and family to come out and enjoy our wonderful facility.

See you on the course!

On behalf of the SPGC Board of Directors, Bill Baker, President

Spring Cleanup - Calling all volunteers!

The SPGC Greens Committee is excited to call all willing and able volunteers to help pitch in at our annual Spring Cleanup!

The action happens Saturday, March 30 at 10 a.m.

Come out to help get the course ready for another great season.

Duties will include everything from raking beds to picking up branches and sticks from the fairways, as well as other light work.

To help us coordinate efforts, please use this signup form.

And do take note: the club isn’t officially open so the facilities won’t be available for “rest breaks” or warming up. Please dress appropriately.